News from BOINC Projects

Recent items from the news feeds of various BOINC projects.

[] Statement on the recent disruption to the project

We profoundly apologise for the disruption of the last few days to the project. We apologise for any lost workunits you have had during this period. Any workunits that were aborted during this period you will receive full credit for. This period represents an attempted rebranding of the project. Any future change on this scale including to the name of the project to be more representative of the research supported will be completed following significant testing to reduce impact. For the foreseeable future we will continue to use the name ''. Please use the project forum if you have any questions.

View article · Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:51:08 +0000

[Minecraft@Home] Minecraft@Home is Back with New CPU Work – Get Involved Before It's Gone!

We’re excited to announce that Minecraft@Home has returned with fresh CPU-based workunits! However, just like the Minecraft universe itself, our computing needs can shift rapidly. While the current tasks are available now, they won’t last forever, so we encourage everyone to get involved while you can.

At Minecraft@Home, our projects vary over time, and sometimes we don’t need as much (or any) computing power. This is one of those moments where we have specific tasks ready for processing, but once they’re completed, the work will wrap up—until our next big discovery awaits! Your contributions will be crucial in helping us achieve our current goals, but remember, the window of opportunity might close sooner than expected.

Earn Your Badge of Honor!

As a token of appreciation for all the contributions, we’re introducing badges for each app we launch! By simply participating and running tasks for any specific app, you will automatically earn a badge—symbolizing your hard work and contribution to that particular project. Whether you're a veteran or new to Minecraft@Home, these badges will serve as a lasting reminder of your involvement in our unique discoveries.

Note: Badges may not be implemented for each app immediately and do take at least 24 hrs to populate after you run an applicable task. Do not fret if you don't see it yet.

Current Apps Running on Minecraft@Home:

One of the exciting apps we're running is HDWGH SSG, short for "How Did We Get Here Set Seed Glitchless." This app is dedicated to filtering data to find the ideal seed for speedrunning Minecraft in the highly competitive category where players must obtain the rare advancement "How Did We Get Here." This advancement is considered one of the most complex to achieve in Minecraft, requiring a player to juggle multiple status effects simultaneously. With HDWGH SSG, we aim to uncover the perfect seed that will allow speedrunners to maximize their efficiency in completing this challenging category.

Another active project is Pano121, short for 1.21 Panorama. This app focuses on finding carver seeds, which represent a specific type of internal seed-state in Minecraft. These carver seeds are of particular interest because they match the iconic trial chamber scene shown in the background panorama of the 1.21 update. Minecraft players who love the art and atmosphere of the game's ever-changing panoramas will find this project especially intriguing, as we're searching for seeds that capture the exact features seen in one of Minecraft's latest visual showcases.

Join us now and help push the boundaries of Minecraft exploration! Don’t miss your chance to contribute while the work is still available.

Keep mining for knowledge,
The Minecraft@Home Team

View article · Thu, 12 Sep 2024 23:21:02 +0000

[Gerasim@Home] Gerasim@home:

Вести с полей:
Осталось 62 миллиона вёдер, и Золотой Ключик наш! :)
Batch Progress : 20.1 %
ETA : 382.7 days.

View article · Wed, 28 Aug 2024 07:32:13 +0000

[LODA] Project restarted after maintenance

We are excited to announce that LODA is back online after a maintenance period of around 10 months. We used the time to extend the LODA language with new operators which should enable it to find new and better programs for integer sequences. There may still be hiccups during in the rampup phase. If you encounter problems please let reach out to us in the forum or in Discord.

The LODA team

View article · Thu, 15 Aug 2024 21:20:01 +0000

[DENIS@Home] Project progress and summer period // Avance del proyecto y período estival

Dear volunteers,
First of all, please excuse me because I wanted to send this message a week ago, but I was not able to do so. As you have seen these days, just like last year, we are entering the summer period, and the rate of sending simulations will be affected. We hope that it does not stop completely, but the sent tasks will be reduced.

I take this opportunity to update the results of the last months: you have been optimizing one of the most used human ventricle models: the O'Hara and Rudy model. We have tested several optimization configurations and have obtained a new adjustment for the model that improves its behavior in relation to a large number of markers reported in the scientific literature. There is still a configurations that has not been finished, but we are already beginning to prepare a scientific publication that summarizes our results. As soon as it is finished and published (it is a long process), we will share it with you and explain it.

In the coming months we will begin to optimize a version of this widely used model, which is the basis of a new model we are developing to study heart failure. We will take advantage of this change in model to automate some things, so the slow pace of summer may be a little longer at the beginning of the school year, but with the objective that the pace will not slow down afterwards.

Thank you all very much for your understanding, and this afternoon, new tasks.

Best regards,


Estimados voluntarios:
En primer lugar, disculpadme porque este mensaje quería haberlo mandado hace una semana, y no pude hacerlo. Como habéis comprobado estos días, al igual que el año pasado, entramos en el período estival, y el ritmo de envío de simulaciones se verá afectado. Esperemos que no se detenga del todo pero se reducirán las tareas que enviaremos.

Aprovecho para actualizaros que en los últimos meses, habéis estado optimizando uno de los modelos de ventrículo humano más utilizados: el modelo de O'Hara y Rudy. Hemos probado varias configuraciones de la optimización y hemos obtenido un nuevo ajuste del modelo que mejora el comportamiento del mismo con relación a una gran cantidad de marcadores reportados en la literatura científica. Queda un poco para que termine una de las configuraciones, pero estamos ya comenzando a preparar una publicación científica que resuma nuestros resultados. Tan pronto como esté terminada y publicada (es un proceso largo), os la compartiremos y explicaremos.

En los próximos meses comenzaremos a optimizar una versión de este modelo que se usa mucho y que es la base de un nuevo modelo que estamos desarrollando para estudiar la insuficiencia cardiaca. Aprovecharemos este cambio de modelo para automatizar algunas cosas, así que igual el ritmo lento de verano se alarga un poco al comienzo de curso, pero con la idea de que después no baje el ritmo.

Muchas gracias a todos por la comprensión, y esta tarde, tareas nuevas.

Un saludo,

View article · Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:12:12 +0000

[YAFU] Aliquot sequence 318330 has terminated!!!

Aliquot sequence 318330 has terminated!!!

View article · Thu, 18 Jul 2024 19:13:53 +0000

[Universe@Home] Shutdown on 19 July (Friday afternoon)

Dear All,

This email is to inform you of a planned power and network outage in the whole CAMK building scheduled for Friday, July 19th, after 4 pm (CET). The outage is necessary to connect photovoltaic component to our power circuits.

We plan to minimize the downtime, but we cannot make any promises. We were told that all critical works should be finalized on the same day, unfortunately, it may take twice the time that our UPS can support.

View article · Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:58:40 +0000

[YAFU] Aliquot sequence 2896896 has terminated!!!

Aliquot sequence 2896896 has terminated!!!

View article · Mon, 17 Jun 2024 17:31:55 +0000

[] New batch going out to volunteer's machines: STORMS, investigating how low-pressure systems may change in the future

Project: Quantifying controls on the intensity, variability and impacts of extreme European STORMS
by Clément Bouvier and Victoria Sinclair (University of Helsinki)

Throughout the year, low-pressure systems regularly move across Europe, usually from west to east, bringing cloud, rain and windy weather. Sometimes these weather systems can become very intense, and the winds and rain associated with them can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure, flooding, and can disrupt electricity supply and travel. Although the short-term weather forecasts of these storms are now quite accurate, it still remains uncertain how these storms, and their impacts, are likely to change in the future as our climate changes. Some of this uncertainty is because our understanding of what controls the strength and impacts of these storms is incomplete.

The aim of this project is to understand what controls the strength and structure of these low-pressure systems. We will quantify how the atmospheric state that the low-pressure systems develop in affects the strength and structure of these low-pressure systems. This atmospheric state can be described by various parameters, for example, the mean temperature, moisture content, and upper-level wind speeds (i.e. the strength and width of the jet stream). Since there are lots of different parameters we want to study (not just the ones described above), we want to do lots of experiments in a high controlled manner. Therefore, we will run a large ensemble of simulations of idealised low-pressure systems using the numerical weather prediction model OpenIFS. Although the simulations are idealised, the weather systems that develop look very like real weather systems that we observed in reality. Each ensemble member differs in its initial atmospheric state, and we choose these initial states to cover everything from the current climate to past pre-industrial climates to the most extreme future climate projections. This is exciting because although idealised simulations of low-pressure systems have been performed before, this is the first time that such an extensive exploration of the parameter space will be conducted.

Once we have the results from the large ensemble, we will calculate different measures of the strength of the storms and then use machine learning techniques to see how these relate to the initial states. Our results will hopefully increase in confidence in how these storms and their impacts will change in the future.

Technical information:
Run time: between 8 and 9 hours for 1 workunit (1 core, Xeon Gold 6230)
Number of files: 480 files
Maximum size of individual files: 1.3MB for 2D fields output files, 13.3MB for spectral output files, 7.1MB for 3D fields output files
Total disk load: 2.0GB

View article · Wed, 12 Jun 2024 19:58:43 +0000

[ODLK1] Electrical work 3

I just being informed now that tomorrow 29/05/2024 in my area there will be another electrical power off from 9:00 to 16:00!!!!

This means that battery power supply cannot handle 7 hours of power failure, so I need to program that the server shot down automatically before 9:00 to preserve it.

It need to be manually power on and this could be done at 19:00.

Sorry for the problems.


View article · Tue, 28 May 2024 16:47:48 +0000

[ODLK] The ODLK project is 7 years old!

С Днём Рождения!

Happy birthday!

View article · Sun, 19 May 2024 01:53:54 +0000

[YAFU] Aliquot sequence 2912730 has terminated!!!

Aliquot sequence 2912730 has terminated!!!

View article · Sat, 18 May 2024 12:22:20 +0000

[ODLK1] Electrical work 2

It seems that in my area electrical works are every month!

On 16/05/2024 from 9:00 to 13:00 there is no electrical power in the area again, so no connection to server (power supply should be able to carry the 4h of power off and still run the server, but without connection to internet).


View article · Mon, 13 May 2024 17:17:53 +0000

[ODLK1] Some issues

I just see today that the OS update of some days ago has stopped something in connection.

Now I reboot all to be sure new kernel were loaded.

Actually log seems good, so I hope that the Boinc activity is restored good.


View article · Tue, 7 May 2024 19:15:16 +0000

[YAFU] Aliquot sequence 2776776 has terminated!!!

View article · Tue, 7 May 2024 18:30:22 +0000

[YAFU] Aliquot sequence 2956992 has terminated!!!

Aliquot sequence 2956992 has terminated!!!

View article · Sat, 4 May 2024 07:49:25 +0000

[] In-silico Binding Assay (ISBA/ACEMD3)

This is a message Adrià posted in our discord channel. Since he doesn't have an account in the GPUGRID forum I open the thread for him. If you want to be more up to date to the news related to this project and others please join our discord, we are usually more active there:

Hello GPUGRID! Here Adrià. I'll be recovering the ACEMD3 application again, and sending new jobs of standard MD simulations (We've been testing it these past weeks to make sure it worked well for both Windows and Linux) The main goal of these new batch of simulations will be to validate further our capacity to predict the binding mode of ligands using simulations and adaptive sampling methods. Those of you that have been around for some time here might already be familiar with these simulations, such as the Benzamidin-Trypsin system ( or the Dopamine D3 receptor with an antagonist ligand (, which we were able to simulate thanks to GPUGRID and all your effort! Now, we are revisiting this method, which we call in-silico binding assay (ISBA). During drug discovery campaings, it's common that you know of ligands that bind to your target, but you don't know their binding mode, the exact conformation and structure that both the ligand and the protein have when bound. Knowing the binding mode is critical for further development of the molecule into a potent and usable drug. The most precise way of discovering the binding mode is with crystallization. However, that can take too much time or be directly impossible, depending on the protein. Therefore, we want to optimize and refine ISBA for binding mode prediction, so it can be usable during drug discovery projects. To summarize a bit our objectives, we want to predict binding modes for larger molecules than Benzamidin, with the same precision, but with less simulation time that was needed for the D3 receptor system. To do so, we'll be using the latest version of adaptive sampling that we developed, AdaptiveBandit ( The objective of these new simulations I'll be sending will be to benchmark AdaptiveBandit in an ISBA scenario, improve the algorithm if required and fine-tune its hyperparameters. Let me know if there's any issue with the simulations. I'll be sending 100ns trajectories for the most part, divided in two steps.

View article · Thu, 2 May 2024 09:28:34 +0000

[LHC@home] 20th BOINC Workshop May 29-31

The registration is now open for the 2024 BOINC Workshop -- this year in person, at CERN.

Please register if you plan to attend.

View article · Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:21:39 +0000

[YAFU] Aliquot sequence 28^95 has terminated!!!

Aliquot sequence 28^95 has terminated!!!

View article · Sun, 21 Apr 2024 06:57:42 +0000

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