Thread 'GPU: Can I throttle GPU usage or exclude it altogether?'

Message boards : GPUs : GPU: Can I throttle GPU usage or exclude it altogether?
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Message 49919 - Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 12:00:11 UTC

Hello guys.
Just a quick question...
I have a HD6870 AMD videocard, it's a single core card.
Is there any way to throttle how much GPU power BOINC uses?
It always goes at 100%, and performance is degraded when using the pc...
Not to mention the temperature factor, and of course the high rpm on the fan...

So, I'd love to see a configuration to grant only the 50% of the GPU to BOINC, that should keep both the temperature and noise low, while leaving the pc fully usable...

If that cannot be achieved, what do I have to do to exclude the GPU from BOINC?
For the moment, I've just suspended GPU processing from BOINCs configuration, but I'm still receiving proyect parts that want to use GPU power...
Is there any way to stop receiving these kind of parts?, and only receive CPU ones?. Project is SETI@home by the way...

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Message 49923 - Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 18:04:11 UTC - in response to Message 49919.  

Go to the Setiathome Project Preferences (for future reference, that's from your account), change Use ATI GPU from Yes to No. Save changes to the web site.

Next open BOINC Manager->Projects tab->Select (hilight) Seti@Home->Click Update. That way BOINC gets the message that it should no longer ask for work for the ATI GPU. Any work still in cache needs to be run or aborted.

No, there is no way possible to state how many shader processors BOINC can use to do calculations with. It's an either all on or all off situation.
But you can throttle the GPU using TThrottle (See this thread), or by telling BOINC to use X% CPU time. That will throttle the GPU application as well.

By the way, the default setup for BOINC is to use the GPU only when the computer is idle. If it doesn't do that in your situation, then you told BOINC to use the GPU always, be it through web preferences, local preferences or the Activity menu.

There's also the option to tell BOINC not to use the GPU when selected applications are in memory. That's the <exclude_gpu_apps/> option in cc_config.xml.
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Message 49924 - Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 20:12:33 UTC - in response to Message 49923.  

Thank you for the detailed response!!!.
I think it's safe to say my question was fully answered =)

Thanks again.
ID: 49924 · Report as offensive

Message boards : GPUs : GPU: Can I throttle GPU usage or exclude it altogether?

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