Thread 'Seti, BOINC 7.0.28 going to 7.0.64/.65/7.2.28 and 197 (0xc5) EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error on GPU work'

Message boards : GPUs : Seti, BOINC 7.0.28 going to 7.0.64/.65/7.2.28 and 197 (0xc5) EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error on GPU work
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Message 48254 - Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 12:05:30 UTC

When you've updated to the latest and greatest (release candidate) (alpha) BOINC, coming from BOINC 7.0.28 or before, AND when crunching work on an anonymous platform GPU application (such as the ones from Lunatics), you have a good chance that all your work errs with a 197 (0xc5) EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error.

This is because of an addition to the code in BOINC 7.0.33, where when you run the anonymous platform and you have not supplied a flops value in your app_info.xml file, that the flops value used for GPU tasks is increased by a factor of 10.

It will only affect old work still in cache from before the upgrade. Any newer work your BOINC downloads, will not be affected.

Two ways to work around this:
1. Before you upgrade, set No New Tasks and run your cache empty. Report all. Then upgrade to the new version and set Allow New Tasks.

2. Done the upgrade with a full cache? Reset the project. This will throw away all present work in cache, but since the project has resend lost work available, your tasks will be resent to you and seen as new work.
ID: 48254 · Report as offensive

Message boards : GPUs : Seti, BOINC 7.0.28 going to 7.0.64/.65/7.2.28 and 197 (0xc5) EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error on GPU work

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