Thread 'New version of TThrottle available'

Message boards : News : New version of TThrottle available
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ProfileDavid Anderson
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Message 37366 - Posted: 1 Apr 2011, 23:03:36 UTC

TThrottle version 3.41 has been released. This utility enforces limits on CPU and GPU temperature by controlling BOINC's activity.
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Fred -

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Message 37367 - Posted: 2 Apr 2011, 1:03:22 UTC - in response to Message 37366.  

Some of you may had some trouble downloading V 3.42.
The page is updated:
The version is for both 32 and 64 bit machines.
TThrottle The way to control your CPU and GPU temperature.
BoincTasks The best view of BOINC.
My other activities
ID: 37367 · Report as offensive
Max Garth

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Message 37697 - Posted: 5 May 2011, 19:18:27 UTC

Well I did it,and ran throttle on my Quad Core, which has been running on Seti for months without throttle, and it has been going along at a steady 60/65 deg since
I got the quad core
As soon as I throttled it, setting the temp at 60 degrees got throttled all right, and reduced the temp to a max of 60 and a low of 55.
But it added a heap of time to the process and it took about twice the time to do the job.
Since there didn't seem to be any need, too little temp variation in relation to added calculation time, it's off. The graphic is nice and would be worth having but for me and my box I think throttling is not really necessary.
If however I was running a dozen projects with a wide variety of tasks things might be different. But I'm on one project and the temps seem to be constant and the fan is pretty quiet generally.
The processor is a Intel, Q8400 quad on a Dell Inspiron.
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Message 38508 - Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 3:09:22 UTC
Last modified: 17 Jun 2011, 3:16:13 UTC

I've been running it for weeks.

On my desktop, it slowed down BOINC workunits so much that I removed all of its temperature limits. Now, one of the fans is often noisy, but the temperatures still stay reasonable. I now use it on that computer mainly to display the CPU temperatures.

On my laptop, it has reduced, but not completely eliminated, the frequency with which that laptop overheats enough that it goes into sleep mode.

I have a rather wide selection of BOINC projects on each computer.

The documentation appeared to imply that it has the ability to slow down non-BOINC programs also, but never explained it well enough that I could try it.
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Message 38516 - Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 8:58:01 UTC - in response to Message 38508.  
Last modified: 17 Jun 2011, 9:17:20 UTC

It can... List Program, copy process, then paste add manually to the table on right. TThrottle acts on the hottest core, so if e.g. Primegrid on one thread causes the core to go 70c and the other sciences only 65c, then with a ceiling set at 65 you end up lowering all... Thus, for my laptop summer time I use ThreadMasterGUI which allows to set cycle % on a per-science app basis and the default ceiling for new sciences to 75%. Less convenient, but with a fairly steady room temp it works for me.


PS, like TThrottle, TMG works on Windows [W2K/XP and up including servers]

edit: And not to misunderstand, TThrottle is a great safeguard, so it runs in companionship with TMG. Should with the settings in latter the temps still go above the desires ceiling, TThrottle makes sure the system is protected so much so that crunching does continue! It's the small space between maximum and the individual science limits that gives me the needed user responsiveness, smoothly.
ID: 38516 · Report as offensive

Message boards : News : New version of TThrottle available

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