Thread '4.72'

Message boards : BOINC Manager : 4.72
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Message 142 - Posted: 5 Sep 2005, 13:47:48 UTC

Does anyone know where I can get a copy so I can go back to it? The download page was replaced with 5.1.1 which I don't like.
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Message 144 - Posted: 5 Sep 2005, 16:03:43 UTC
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Tom Awtry

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Message 185 - Posted: 8 Sep 2005, 2:11:31 UTC - in response to Message 144.  
Last modified: 8 Sep 2005, 2:24:37 UTC

A personal comment, it would be extremely helpful if the aforementioned, quoted link, which fharmon posted was more readily accessible on a main BOINC web page. With that being said, perhaps it already is, but I couldn’t locate it.

Theory of Gravitational Waves & LIGO
Paul's BOINC WIKI of Technical Info
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Gary Roberts

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Message 193 - Posted: 8 Sep 2005, 13:16:17 UTC - in response to Message 185.  

A personal comment, it would be extremely helpful if the aforementioned, quoted link ....

Why?? 95% of the traffic on the downloads page is probably for the recommended versions rather than the test versions. It's better to keep the test versions out of sight of the average users. If you do know what you are doing and want to review all the test versions, simply go to the download page. The address bar of your browser will contain the string "". All you have to do is edit that string to change "ownload.php" to "l" and hit enter. What could be simpler??

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Paul D. Buck

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Message 197 - Posted: 8 Sep 2005, 14:50:44 UTC - in response to Message 185.

A personal comment, it would be extremely helpful if the aforementioned, quoted link, which fharmon posted was more readily accessible on a main BOINC web page. With that being said, perhaps it already is, but I couldn’t locate it.


It is hidden because of what Gary said. But I will add this extension to his comment. Before the development versions were hidden, we had a lot of trouble with new participants taking the highest version number client to download instead of the recomemnded version.

You can also add to the line "?dev=1" to get the latest development build.

As always, using a development build is: use at your own risk.

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Tom Awtry

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Message 199 - Posted: 8 Sep 2005, 15:28:58 UTC - in response to Message 197.  

Paul & Gary, I’ll refrain from taking issue with your opinions, but they are appreciated.


Theory of Gravitational Waves & LIGO
Paul's BOINC WIKI of Technical Info
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Message 316 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 2:21:48 UTC - in response to Message 193.  
Last modified: 12 Sep 2005, 2:27:16 UTC

A personal comment, it would be extremely helpful if the aforementioned, quoted link ....

Why?? 95% of the traffic on the downloads page is probably for the recommended versions rather than the test versions. It's better to keep the test versions out of sight of the average users. If you do know what you are doing and want to review all the test versions, simply go to the download page. The address bar of your browser will contain the string "". All you have to do is edit that string to change "ownload.php" to "l" and hit enter. What could be simpler??

What could be simpler? A link. Doesn't even have to be a main page link. How bout a main page link to 'BOINC Developer Home' or something similarly unfriendly sounding, buried deep down on the bottom of the main page that I can use. That's all I need. Because I don't surf the boards *every day* so I don't know where the dev builds get kept. Hell, for all I care, make it a sticky thread on top of one or two of the fora. That'd be enough for me. Another idea: DON'T make it a link. Make me copy paste it. Just give me the info somewhere.

Changing download.php to dl/ is super-easy. If you already know what you want and where it is. If you don't know the name of a certain website, you do go to Google, don't you? Because you CAN'T just type it into your browser.

I'm a savvy user, and I want to do my part in the beta realm, but it took me the better part of an hour digging through these various threads to find the information I needed to get the 5.1.1 binaries. And that's just a silly amount of time to spend on such a simple bit of information.

I'm not looking to start a firestorm or anything. But I think it's silly (and rude) to snipe at someone for not knowing everything about the dev effort here.

But now I'm using 5.1.1 on one of my boxen, so I won't need the DL link for another six months. Maybe when I need it again, I'll have a link....

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Jim K

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Message 317 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 2:42:14 UTC

Can anyone say BOOKMARK, man o man......
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Tom Awtry

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Message 319 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 4:04:50 UTC - in response to Message 317.  
Last modified: 12 Sep 2005, 4:24:18 UTC

Jim – I believe the relevant point being made, within the thread, is locating either a linkable URL or a typed listing of a URL to create a BOOKMARK.

In reference to your condescending:

Can anyone say BOOKMARK, man o man......

Can you say “Missed the Boat”

Theory of Gravitational Waves & LIGO
Paul's BOINC WIKI of Technical Info
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Message 320 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 12:40:06 UTC - in response to Message 317.  

Can anyone say BOOKMARK, man o man......

Sure I can say bookmark. But if I bookmarked each site that I hit every six months or less and that I may or may not need to get back to in the future, I'd have so many that I wouldn't be able to find the bookmarks I use every day!


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Message 321 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 13:37:10 UTC - in response to Message 320.  

Post them under a New Foldername then... something like Boinc. Mine all do.
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Jim K

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Message 324 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 14:53:23 UTC - in response to Message 321.  

Post them under a New Foldername then... something like Boinc. Mine all do.

This is what I do plus I change the name so that they all flow nice and neat alphabeticaly..... BOOKMARK......
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Chris Sutton

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Message 325 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 15:29:27 UTC - in response to Message 316.  

But now I'm using 5.1.1 on one of my boxen, so I won't need the DL link for another six months. Maybe when I need it again, I'll have a link....

LOL. six months? Now there's an optimist.
Didn't I see the release note for 5.1.3 already.... ;-)

Sorry James, not making fun of you, just couldn't resist. :)
ralic's law of forums: Irrespective of any prior research done, you will find the solution to your question shortly after posting it to a public Internet forum, resulting in readers concluding that you have done no research on the matter whatsoever.
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Message 326 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 16:00:54 UTC - in response to Message 325.  

six months? Now there's an optimist.
Didn't I see the release note for 5.1.3 already.... ;-)

Sorry James, not making fun of you, just couldn't resist. :)

Hey, I'm not thin-skinned. 8) Just cuz they RELEASE more often doesn't mean I'm going to do the download fandango every time. I could've gone to 5.1.3, but I like to stay one hop off the bleeding edge...

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Message 327 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 16:16:30 UTC - in response to Message 326.  

So why don't you neatly wait for 5.2.0 to be released then? With the entry of the 5.x.y clients, we're following the Linux development rules:

Odd numbers are development versions, Even are release numbers.
Meaning that the whole 5.1.y version is development, the 5.2.y is release numbers.
So while we try to get the bugs out of the 5.1.y versions, this number can go up each day. Or a new release can be coming out twice a day.

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Message 328 - Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 16:34:57 UTC - in response to Message 327.  

So why don't you neatly wait for 5.2.0 to be released then? With the entry of the 5.x.y clients, we're following the Linux development rules:

Odd numbers are development versions, Even are release numbers.
Meaning that the whole 5.1.y version is development, the 5.2.y is release numbers.
So while we try to get the bugs out of the 5.1.y versions, this number can go up each day. Or a new release can be coming out twice a day.

Deftly suggesting I get the hell out of the dev tree? 8) I was trying to be a helpful early adopter and test the new functionality. If a requirement to be useful is that I DL a new ver every day/other day, then you've probably lost a helper.

If, as I expect, I can still be useful by using pre-release code and testing it for bugs and odd behaviors in the real world, then I will.

Regardless--even if I find that my life is fulfilled by nothing more than installing new BOINC versions--my part in this thread was started by the fact that it took me way too long to find where to DL the software in the first place.

-shrug- Maybe it ought to be that hard. I think at this point, I'm going to do what I'm going to do. Tom made the request, I seconded it. You disagree, great. Those that control will do something or they won't. But at this point, we're wasting time talking about wasting time, so I'm going to do my best to bow out. Keeping my mouth shut has never been a strong suit, but I'm gonna try. 8)


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Message 334 - Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 12:15:25 UTC - in response to Message 185.

A personal comment, it would be extremely helpful if the aforementioned, quoted link, which fharmon posted was more readily accessible on a main BOINC web page. With that being said, perhaps it already is, but I couldn’t locate it.


Tom, this link is listed just underneath the projects on the main BOINC page: (no 4.72 listed)

These other links will show you more:

fharmon's link: (all versions listed)

Dev link: (no 4.72 listed, has warnings about stability on some versions)

(Insert Paul D. Buck & Gary's comment(s) about the dev link here...)

James :-)

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Message boards : BOINC Manager : 4.72

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