Thread 'Is any excutable program suitable for using wrapper?'

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Huiping Yao

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Message 18569 - Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 12:31:26 UTC

Is any excutable program suitable for using wrapper? Are there any constraints?
ID: 18569 · Report as offensive

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Message 18629 - Posted: 19 Jul 2008, 1:51:14 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jul 2008, 1:55:55 UTC

Some projects are even using interpreter programs within a wrapper. Basically you can use any program or script that you can start from the command line somehow.

Crunchers will be unhappy, if results run very long without having checkpoints and if programs do not pause when BOINC tells them to. Multithreaded applications can cause trouble as well, as those will usually affect other projects.

If you do not have any control over the source of the wrapped program (i.e. want to wrap a ready-made program), you will probably not be able to add those features, if the program doesn't come with them.

Basically they will still run - but the problem will be to find someone who wants to run them ;-)

p.s.: Programs that do not run in batch mode and insist in having a GUI will not be wrappable of course - but I guess that's understood. Same for programs that insist in beeing attached to a tty.
ID: 18629 · Report as offensive
Huiping Yao

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Message 18631 - Posted: 19 Jul 2008, 3:00:05 UTC - in response to Message 18629.  

Some projects are even using interpreter programs within a wrapper. Basically you can use any program or script that you can start from the command line somehow.

Crunchers will be unhappy, if results run very long without having checkpoints and if programs do not pause when BOINC tells them to. Multithreaded applications can cause trouble as well, as those will usually affect other projects.

If you do not have any control over the source of the wrapped program (i.e. want to wrap a ready-made program), you will probably not be able to add those features, if the program doesn't come with them.

Basically they will still run - but the problem will be to find someone who wants to run them ;-)

p.s.: Programs that do not run in batch mode and insist in having a GUI will not be wrappable of course - but I guess that's understood. Same for programs that insist in beeing attached to a tty.

Thanks for your reply.
But I still got one problem as follows:

I have got a a.exe file which I did not have source codes, one configuration file named config_math.dat , one input file name input.txt. I execute the program in command prompt in WindowsXP using the command line as follows:
a.exe -i input.txt -c config_math.dat -o d:\output\

because the program will generate four output files, above the command line " -o d:\output" indicates that which folder the four output files automatically generate in.

I think Wrapper don't know how to combine a.exe with the input file input.txt and the configuration file config_math.dat?Did I do some configurationns to wrap a.exe? How to do with config_math.dat?
ID: 18631 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Server programs : Is any excutable program suitable for using wrapper?

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