Thread 'CPID at BOINC is wrong'

Message boards : BOINC client : CPID at BOINC is wrong
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Message 14448 - Posted: 21 Dec 2007, 23:35:04 UTC

My CPID at BOINC is incorrect. It is not the same as on any of my projects. And, on all of my projects it is identical, as it should be. This is affecting my team stats. My team is HPCTC-CAE, which I cannot even find a placed to cfreate in BOINC, although i created it in every individual project.

How do I get my CPID corrected?
Hoe do I get my team created in BOINC?


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Message 14450 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 2:22:20 UTC

BOINC is not a project. We're not getting credits here for doing anything, so why would you want to make a team?

These forums are here to help you with any (reasonable) problems you have with BOINC. That they still use the same underground forum software is because this is what is included in the BOINC server software. We're here as a form of showcasing, while also at the same time being able to help people.

But go ahead. Want to make a team? Do so through as you'd always do, Create team.
As for the CPID... the BOINC forums don't export credits (since we don't have them) so why would you want its CPID to be the same as on every other project?
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Message 14451 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 3:37:11 UTC - in response to Message 14450.  

BOINC is not a project. We're not getting credits here for doing anything, so why would you want to make a team?

These forums are here to help you with any (reasonable) problems you have with BOINC. That they still use the same underground forum software is because this is what is included in the BOINC server software. We're here as a form of showcasing, while also at the same time being able to help people.

But go ahead. Want to make a team? Do so through as you'd always do, Create team.
As for the CPID... the BOINC forums don't export credits (since we don't have them) so why would you want its CPID to be the same as on every other project?

Thank you, that is the page, a profile page, upon which I could not find a place to create a team, as one does on project profile pages; and that is the page which has an incorrect CPID shown for me.

So, what, may I ask, is that page, why does it exist, and how does it impact my statistics?


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Aurora Borealis

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Message 14452 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 4:50:34 UTC
Last modified: 22 Dec 2007, 5:03:27 UTC

As Ageless tried to explain, Boinc doesn't have a project of it's own. They only write the Boinc manager software and the forum software that is used by the various projects. It therefore issues no credits and as no effect on stats.

This board uses the same forum software package that is being designed for use by the projects. The developers don't wish to waste their time making modifications to eliminate the features that needed by the projects but are useless here. They already have more than enough work to do.

Boinc V 7.4.36
Win7 i5 3.33G 4GB NVidia 470
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Message 14453 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 6:08:26 UTC
Last modified: 22 Dec 2007, 6:12:14 UTC

I think the page is just our registration for this forum. Mine also shows a CPID that corresponds in no way to my CPID on the projects which I know is set right. So the different CPID here seems to have nothing to do with our crunching because here there's no crunching to be done (BOINC not being a project).

The teams function on that page seems to me a total waste of time. I found that the page showed me as not belonging to a team so I clicked the Search for a team button. I searched for the team I belong to everywhere else, Catalunya, and the search engine produced one result, Team Evo. It must be throwing up a random search result. As in any case you can't earn credits for a team here because there's no work to do, it isn't worth even trying to find out how you could join or create a team. You might somehow manage to create one and then find you'd been randomly allocated to another.

These functions are meaningless here whereas on the projects the same functions are designed to work and made to work. I'd guess that here the same functions are set not to work. The only reason why they appear at all is doubtless that this BOINC forum has to use some of the same software as the projects even though it isn't a project. This is what Aurora B said.
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Message 14454 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 9:57:24 UTC - in response to Message 14448.  

... This is affecting my team stats. ...

It shouldn't be possible to affect your team stats (given that as mentioned above, you can't do any number-crunching work at this bulletin board).

It is possible, but entirely pointless, to join teams etc as long as you don't mind guessing URLs.

Similarly, while you can attach, there is no point since it won't help synchronising CPID. There are no (and never will be any) schedulers configured, and there is no (and never will be any) work issued.

The teams and CPID funcionality exists on the account page simply because it would take too much time to remove it.

One might be able to make a case to have some way to sync CPIDs simply to allow a link to your other projects, but the developers have many other more important things to work on.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 14455 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 10:20:14 UTC

According to BOINCstats there is only one "mitrichr", and that person is only running Proteins@home and is a member of team Spread Firefox.

If this is you, then your problem may be that you have more than one account at your "other" projects, which has split your credits.

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Message 14458 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 12:19:54 UTC - in response to Message 14451.  

So, what, may I ask, is that page, why does it exist, and how does it impact my statistics?

It exists to store general information about your account and to give you a place to change your forum preferences. The general information stored is the email address in combination with your account ID and nickname. This is useful in case we moderate any of your posts, you will sent get an automated email about that.
Or if someone PMs you, that you get an email about that.

Otherwise it's not used for anything and as said by the others in this thread, it's too much of a difficulty to take it out of the software and still have a working forum software. Compare it to using Windows Media Player; it has a million options that you can use and set, but you only use and set about 10 of them. Does Microsoft give you dumbed down version then?

It won't impact on your statistics as the forum here does not export statistics.
BOINC Alpha, the testing project for BOINC, does give out credits for work done and exports them. We don't.
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Aurora Borealis

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Message 14459 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 14:26:03 UTC - in response to Message 14458.  

snipe ...BOINC Alpha, the testing project for BOINC, does give out credits for work done and exports them. We don't.

I considered mentioning BOINC Alpha, but was afraid to muddy the waters since it isn't directly associated with this Board. To be clear, the Alpha project is used by the developers and a few very brave souls to pretest changes to the Boinc software. Although I do run the test versions, I personally don’t have the nerve to jump in that early.
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Message 14460 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 14:46:52 UTC - in response to Message 14459.  

a few very brave souls

Thanks for the compliment. It's a one up from lunatics and fools. :-)
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Message 14461 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 16:18:35 UTC - in response to Message 14460.  
Last modified: 22 Dec 2007, 16:19:26 UTC

a few very brave souls

Thanks for the compliment. It's a one up from lunatics and fools. :-)

Nah... lunatics and fools is a much better description of us. I mean, what other kind of person would think wiping out a user's home directory is a good idea? I'll save you the suspense boys and girls. Don't do it. It's a bad idea. Oh yes, and if you do decide to try it, make sure you have a backup, m'kay?
Kathryn :o)
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Message 14465 - Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 19:14:30 UTC - in response to Message 14457.  

There are quite a few with "mitnick" and "mitrich" in the handle that from looking at teams are the same cruncher(?). Track all back to the project accounts and change/match all up with the same email address, Lower/Case and all, plus team of current choice and most should converge to the same CPID within a few days (usually the oldest ever created against an email address). Attach 1 host/device/client to all projects and it gets accelerated by hitting the update button for each.

I am going to answer at this point, all above who were so helpful, Boincstats has straightened out my numbers, there is no more content under my name, all content is under my user I/D, there are two lines of I/D in the table view, but one of them, the one that was originally there is of no import, it had only one project on which I am not now participating. Everything I am doing is under the other I/D, I am back with my team in WCG where I had been lost, everything is cool.

I took every project, current and passed and made sure the I/D was proper and that the CPID was correct. I did that yesterday. This morning I went hiking, so I had not looked at anything for about 14 hours. BOINCstats did fix everything over night.

So, thank you all. I shall now, as they say, roll up like a dustball back into the corner. I appreciate this wonderful forum, and I highly value the wrok that gets done through BOINC and WCG.

ID: 14465 · Report as offensive

Message boards : BOINC client : CPID at BOINC is wrong

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